About Us

It is a known fact that fuel, coal, fossil fuels, and natural gas are expensive, pollutants to the environment, and are not suitable for your health. Fortunately, alternative energy methods are cleaner, cheaper, and healthier for you and the environment. However, not enough people are aware of renewable energy and electric vehicles, a better version of fuel-powered vehicles.

I am an energy consultant. My motivation for established EVCast is to provide a helpful resource to consumers that there are better, cheaper, and healthier energy alternatives than they use. I provide them information on the advantages of switching to solar power and relying on electric vehicles that include cars, boats, RVs, golf carts, and more. Contributors to the website other than myself include a solar engineer, a solar technician, and a battery systems design engineer. Read up on each of the contributors’ bios to learn more about them and how they add value to EVCast.

Founder, Chief of Staff

Rajeev Patel

Rajeev Patel was born and raised in Miami, Florida, and he always cared about the environment and excelled in sciences and mathematics when he was in school. He attended the University of Florida and earned his Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering Sciences. Rajeev works as an energy consultant and provides plenty of lectures on solar energy and electric cars, particularly Tesla models and other vehicles. His passion for keeping the environment healthy is what others see about him, which is why Rajeev is the go-to person for renewable energy.

Rajeev also wanted to provide education about renewable energy and electric vehicles worldwide to emphasize their importance. That was the motivation behind the establishment of EVCast and had three other experts contributing helpful and excellent content to the site. Rajeev is also married with two children and enjoys opera and playing the piano.

Lewis Hanshaw

Lewis Hanshaw was born and raised in Fairfield, Connecticut. The fact that Lewis always excelled in sciences and mathematics even as a young child was a sign that his future lay in a scientific field of work. He had a unique method to teach others about the basics of physics and chemistry. Lewis ended up going to Fairfield University and earned his Master’s Degree in Engineering. In addition to that, Lewis developed a strong interest in renewable energy as well as electric vehicles. For some time, Lucid consulted Lewis for help with engineering, and he worked with the company for some time.

However, today, Lewis works as a solar engineer in Detroit, Michigan, as he manages plenty of large-scale city projects. He is also a worthwhile contributor to EVCast. Lewis is married with three sons and enjoys going to comedy clubs, watching comedy movies, and telling a good joke here and there.

Brittany Pollack

Brittany Pollack was born in Moncton, New Brunswick, and moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, in her early teens. She did not know what she wanted to do during her youth as she faced many upheavals throughout her young life to that date. However, she has always been a practical person as she credits her practical side for getting through some difficulties she had growing up. Therefore, she wanted to get into a useful field in the sciences. She knew that renewable energy was the field to get into for her future. Brittany attended a local college and some workshops to go for training as a solar technician. Today, Brittany is a social technician working in Halifax, and right now, she works at a company that installs solar panel systems on rooftops. She contributes plenty of content on EVCast on solar energy and more. Brittany otherwise enjoys traveling and going fishing.

Devon Lee

Devon Lee was born in Reno, Nevada, and dreamed about being an astronaut one day. He always had a strong interest in space and how rockets worked. Devon took another route into his future; he still became something close enough to an astronaut. He attended the University of Nevada and obtained his Master’s Degree in Engineering, and took additional courses regarding renewable energy and battery design. Devon is now a battery systems design engineer who also is an advocate for not just renewable energy. He also presents reasons why using electric vehicles is advantageous for your health, the health of the environment, and for your wallet in the long run.

Devon has worked with Lucid, Tesla, and other companies, and he is a worthwhile contributor to EVCast. The content you will find from Devon is about various electric and solar batteries and his recommendations of the best ones. Nowadays, Devon lives outside of Las Vegas with his wife and two kids, and Westie. He still loves space and science fiction and still has dreams about being an astronaut though he is pleased with what he does.