Club Car Battery Charger Troubleshooting


Every automobile comes with its problems. A significant problem that binds all of them together, however, is one that concerns the battery. Cars, Motorbikes, Golf Carts, Boats, etc., use batteries, and it is not strange that each of them encounters issues here and there. In this case, Electric Golf Carts are the main focus.

Many golf cart owners leave town for a couple of weeks without leaving someone behind to run maintenance checks on their automobiles. Within that period of absence, there is a good chance that the battery discharges. It gets even worse when the club car battery charger fails or won’t show a sign of life.

Usually, a golf cart battery charger needs an amount of voltage to power the batteries for operation. It often needs voltage between the ranges of 20 to 35V. Therefore, if you ever encounter battery problems, what you need is a club car battery charger troubleshooting.

Before then, read up on why the club car golf cart is not charging.


Why is a Golf Cart Not Charging?

If your golf cart is not charging, then you might be triggered for several reasons. Some of these reasons include;

  • Damaged Battery

Different things could cause a battery to become faulty or damaged. In some cases, it could be that the voltage regulator got bad and affected the battery life adversely; in other cases, the battery must have self-discharged due to its unuse. You can tell if a damaged battery is the problem if a good charger is plugged into a cart and it doesn’t come on. What you might have to do eventually is get any of the best golf cart batteries available on the market.

Find out the various bad battery symptoms here.

  • Poor Connection

Most of the time, it may not be that the battery or charger is bad, especially if you are confident about their quality and performance. It could be that you set a wrong connection making the charger not power the right amount of energy to the cart for functionality. When an electric appliance doesn’t get enough power supply, it is bound to malfunction. Ensure that the connection is correct and that the minimum power supply is kept between 20 to 25volts.

  • Cable Problems

In the process of trying to charge your golf cart, you may have tripped the cable. The charger and battery could be in great condition but a bad cable connecting the charger and the cart may cause problems. Check through the internal workings of the cable to see if it is torn or damaged; if it is, get it to an electric repair shop.

  • Bad Charger

If the battery or connection or cable isn’t the problem, then it is high time you checked the charger itself. There are circumstances where the golf cart charger may have experienced faults due to the high voltage supply. A bad charger doesn’t get you anywhere; thus, you will need to make replacements.

There are a couple of signs or problems that come with a bad club car battery charger; they would be explained later below.

  • Improper Battery Water Levels

Finally, you might want to check on your battery once again, if the other options check-out fine. Sometimes, what destroys an automobile battery is the water level in them. If the water level is beyond or below standard, it malfunctions. Therefore, you must make sure that improper battery water levels are prevented at all costs. When you do that, there is a good chance that the battery charger will power the cart.

What are the Signs of a Bad Club Car Battery Charger?

As mentioned earlier above, there are signs/problems club car battery chargers face most times, which may affect the charging performance of the battery. These signs include;

  • Charger Runs Longer

If you connect your charger to the cart and it charges it, that doesn’t mean it is in good condition – not yet. You are only convinced that it is when you disconnect and it stops working. The sign of a bad charger is when it continues to run, for a long time even after switching it off.

  • Charger Turns on But No Charging

In another scenario, you may have the charger plugged into the cart; it may show regular signs that it is charging, but it isn’t. When you notice something like this, the problem is not with the battery but the charger itself. A good charger will not turn on with a bad battery.

  • Clicking Sound

Another sign that your charger is on the verge of getting damaged is when it makes a clicking sound when plugged in. After the sound stops, it continues its usual activity. However, this sign is the most deceptive because you could assume it was something else and not the charger. Eventually, it would stop working and leaves you with no choice but to get a new one.

How to Fix the Problem with Golf Cart Battery Charger?

If you are having issues with a club car battery charger, well, the next step is troubleshooting it. You should try the following;

1. A good way to start is making sure there is little power left in the batteries before connecting a charger to it. An actively working charger detects a battery with power faster; if there isn’t any left, the charger may not come on.

2. When connecting the charger to the cart, ensure there is enough power supply to keep the charger running. Likewise, ensure to check the connections so that the right amount of voltage is produced.

3. When the charger makes a clicking sound before charging the club car battery, you should check every part of its body. After examining, you might want to consider getting another one.

4. Buy a new charger if the problem persists.


Club Car Battery Charger Troubleshooting is not a big deal as long as you can identify the problems with the golf cart charger itself. In essence, a good charger would preserve battery life and ultimately, the performance of a golf cart.